208. Brand Alchemy News, Me Crying, and Letting Your Creation Grow Beyond You

Jun 18, 2024


You have a mission, a purpose, and your business is the conduit for it. But the mission we have is bigger than us and bigger than our business... and we are just here to do our part of bringing it forward. And when you stop seeing yourself as alone, and start seeing yourself as surrounded by a collective of souls all manifesting this into reality, magical stuff happens.


Tune in today to hear how this is playing out with my membership, The Brand Alchemy Accelerator, and some exciting news as the global membership continues to expand.


To join the Brand Alchemy Accelerator, head to www.kathrynmorrisoncoaching.com/branding.

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It has been known to induce potential, desire, and business strategy mic drop moments, all folded up in my part Lady Gaga, part Mother Earth persona… with a smattering of cursing, because #bornandraisedphilly. Prepare to be equal parts delighted, confronted, and aroused.

Seriously. This ain’t your Mama’s newsletter.