186. Recurring Revenue Lies and How to Actually Create Sustainable Income

Jan 23, 2024


I love marketing. It's super fun. Thinking through unique, creative ways to present things, powerful ways to explain things, juicy ways to compel--


This is ALL important. But you know what's even MORE important than your ability to sell someone something?




I love branding and messaging, but I *NEVER* want my branding and messaging to be BETTER than the actual THING PEOPLE BUY.


And today I stand in a business with numbers to support it:


100% of Brand Alchemy Accelerator members surveyed said they are happy with their investment.


80% of my Masterminders start with me inside the Brand Alchemy Accelerator, and get such incredible results that joining the Mastermind is a *NO BRAINER*.


Having a business swimming in happy clients and constant repeat buyers didn't just magically *HAPPEN* to me. I consciously created it, and today I am breaking it ALL DOWN. We cover:


  • how recurring revenue differs in your first $100,000 vs your first $1,000,000
  • how I balance mastery of the delivery in my programs vs time spent selling
  • exactly how I have created programs with literally *PERFECT* client satisfaction scores... and how ensuring exceptional client results in delivery actually FUELS more sales without having to "sell"


If you're someone who has struggled to have repeat customers or have noticed people stop working with you... but then you notice they went and hired your competitor... you want to listen to this episode, take notes, and implement every nook and cranny of it.


So grab a notebook, a pen, and a wallet big enough to fit all the extra cash this episode is going to bring you ;)

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