179. Success Secrets: Point of No Return Energy

Dec 05, 2023

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Episode Summary

It's DECEMBER! I don't know about you, but in the last month of the year I tend to COCOON into deep reflection on the past year while dreaming into the next year, and in my reflecting I realized there's a code I hold--

Like you know how Spiderman has webslingers?

And Hulk has super strength?

I have a strategy I use called "Point of No Return Energy."

It's what allowed me to go from $100 per session...

to $1,500 for 3 months...

to $6,000 for 6 months...

to $10,000 for 6 months...

up to $24,000 for 4 months when I retired my one on one packages.

All in the span of less than 18 months from the starting line of my business.

It's what allowed me to completely let go of that super sexy, high level one on one work to step into serving hundreds of clients at once in more scalable offers.

It's what allowed me to step away from a high paying tech job to start at ground zero in my business in the first place.


It's the same strategy some of the highest level military thinkers and battle strategists of all time have used to find victory where the odds were completely against them.

Whether you're contemplating the leap from employment to full-time entrepreneurship or transitioning from a six-figure solopreneur to a million-dollar enterprise, this episode is a must-listen. It challenges you to reflect on where your energy is truly invested and how decisiveness can be your greatest asset.



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