178. When You're IMPATIENT to get to the "Next Phase" of Business…

Nov 28, 2023

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Episode Summary

This week's podcast episode is going to feel like BALM for your soul.

Listen, I'm about as ambitious as they come. I love leaning into my highest potential, putting myself in tough challenges to see what I'm made of, and going for way bigger goals than society says is supposed to be *possible* but...

If we're not intentional in our approach to our goals, we end up rushing past the beauty of our current phase of business...

We end up rushing to try to get to the next milestone, rather than being deeply present and savoring every bite of the current journey... yes, even the sh*t that feels super hard and annoying right now. This episode is a heartfelt reminder and step by step guide to dropping in and actually ENJOYING the phase of business you're in.

Episode Highlights:

    • High Performers' Dilemma: Learn how high achievers (lookin' at you!!) often struggle with constantly needing to achieve, and how to escape the high pressure trap this can cause

    • The Illusion of 'The Next Big Thing': Often our brain thinks once we "get to this specific goal" the sky will part and the angels will sing, but this is magical thinking that steals your joy-- we're unpacking the perspective shift that will allow you to go for big things without the itch for the finish line

    • The Evolution of Business Phases: Understand the unique challenges and joys at different stages, from being a solopreneur to managing a scaled business with teams and complex systems.

    • Personal Reflections and Stories: I share intimate reflections on my journey and the moments I wish I had savored more in my own business evolution.

And finally, I'm double clicking into a surprising yet common misconception that many entrepreneurs have around success, how it robs them of their joy, and the one insight that will shift your entire perspective on your current challenges.

Whether you're just starting out, scaling up, or well into your business journey, this episode is that magic elixir that will get you dropped into gratitude and fired up with ambition for what's next.



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